Real Estate Tips and Tricks


Avoiding Hitches with The Movers: Tips to Make Your Move Less Stressful

From broken items to nicks in the fresh paint job, furniture stuck in the stairwells and surprise charges tucked into the already high bill; there are a lot of things that can go wrong during a move. Luckily, you can hire a removal service to make sure you get all your belongings from your old house to your new house in one peace and hopefully through a smooth transit

Consider These Factors When Looking For a Property to Let

Once you reach a point where you're settled in your own home and comfortably on top of mortgage repayments, you might start thinking about buying another property as an investment. If you've already been through the process of buying a home, you probably think you know everything you need to. While it's true that you should have a much better idea of what's involved i

What You Need to Know About Asbestos in the Home

Having asbestos in the home is a very serious matter, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you and your family are in immediate danger. Asbestos is only damaging to your health if you inhale its fibres, so if this material is properly contained, you and your family may very well be safe. However, you might note a few important considerations about the risk of finding

Two steps you can take to increase the speed with which your commercial office space is sold

If you currently own a commercial office space and are hoping to sell it in the very near future, here are a couple of tips which should help you to do this. Modernise and de-clutter the space The vast majority of people who wish to purchase commercial properties are looking for bright, airy, modern spaces. As such, it's important to do everything you can to make your

4 Strategic Considerations To Sell Your Home In Summer

Selling your home can be daunting in any season, but summer brings with it additional considerations that you cannot ignore. The hot weather can be uncomfortable for many prospective homebuyers, so consider these factors when looking to sell your home in summer. Work With An Agent That Understands Summer Sales Summer in Australia means that schools are off and the fe